The completion of the Master’s Degree in Public Health at FURG requires taking 36 credits for non-scholarship students (30 credits of mandatory courses and 6 credits of elective courses), and 38 credits for scholarship students (30 credits of mandatory courses, 6 credits of elective courses, and 2 credits of Supervised Student Teaching)¹, distributed as follows:
Public Health (I and II; 6 credits);
Epidemiology (I and II; 6 credits);
Statistics (I and II; 6 credits);
Scientific Bases for Epidemiological Approach (I and II; 6 credits);
Research Seminars (I, II, III and IV; 4 credits);
Supervised Student Teaching (2 credits, mandatory for scholarship students only);
Master’s Thesis Writing (2 credits).
In addition, there are nine elective courses:
Health Services Evaluation (2 credits);
Nutritional Assessment (2 credits);
Mental Health Assessment (2 credits);
Meta-analysis (2 credits);
Qualitative Methods (2 credits);
Debates on Collective Health (2 credits);
Epidemiology of the Life Cycle (2 credits);
Genetic Epidemiology (2 credits);
Paper Writing Workshop (2 credits).
¹ COEPEA Resolution No. 014/2018