1.A National Study on Psychological Violence in Brazil: Differences by Sex and Skin Color


2. Acute Pesticide Poisoning in Tobacco Farming, According to Different Criteria. 


3. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and suicidal behaviors in emerging adulthood: The 1993 Pelotas birth cohort


4. Age is the most important factor for change in body mass index and waist circumference in older people in southern Brazil. 


5. Are trajectories of depressive symptoms during the first half of drug-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis treatment associated with loss to follow-up? A secondary analysis of longitudinal data 


6. Associação entre Problemas de Memória, Atividade Física e Saúde Mental em Servidores Públicos


7. Bi-directional associations between physical activity and growth indicators of pre-school aged children


8. Care seek behavior for low back pain in southern Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic: a panel data analysis


9. Child and Maternal Mental Health Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Longitudinal Social Inequalities in a Brazilian Birth Cohort


10. Clustering of health risk behaviors in pregnant individuals: Data from the Brazilian risk factor surveillance system for non-communicable chronic diseases


11. Combining cash transfers and cognitive behavioral therapy to reduce antisocial behavior in young men: A mediation analysis of a randomized controlled trial in Liberia. 


12. Complicações por diabetes mellitus no Brasil: estudo de base nacional, 2019


13. Condições de nascimento e transtorno do déficit de atenção com hiperatividade (TDAH) em adultos nas coortes de nascimento de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, de 1982 e 1993


14. Correlatos Dos Diferentes Domínios Do Comportamento Sedentário Em Adolescentes.


15. Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents? growth and development. 


16. Do patients with obesity undergoing bariatric surgery modify their objectively measured physical activity? A systematic review and meta-analysis


17. Effect of Adolescent Body Mass Index Trajectories on Working Memory: A Prospective Birth Cohort in Brazil


18. Effect of preterm birth on growth and blood pressure in adulthood in the Pelotas 1993 cohort.


19. Emergency department use and Artificial Intelligence in Pelotas: design and baseline results.


20. Estresse percebido entre estudantes de graduação: fatores associados, a influência do modelo ENEM/SiSU e possíveis consequências sobre a saúde. 


21. Estudos epidemiológicos ocupacionais em área rural: desafios metodológicos


22. "EU QUERO me exercitar": as controversas recomendações para a atividade fí­sica em site do Ministério da Saúde. 


23. Experiência de relação sexual forçada entre estudantes de graduação: fatores associados e possíveis consequências. 


24. Factors associated with Alzheimer’s disease prevalence and mortality in Brazil—An ecological study


25. Fatores associados à qualidade do sono de estudantes universitários.


26. Gestational weight gain according to the Brazilian charts and its association with maternal and infant adverse outcomes.


27. Incidence of memory complaints during the COVID-19 pandemic in Southern Brazil: findings from PAMPA cohort


28. Inequalities in access to integrative and complementary health practices in Brazil: National Health Survey, 2019.


29. Inequalities in the management of back pain care in Brazil - National Health Survey, 2019.


30. Inequalities in the receipt of healthcare practitioner counseling for adults after COVID-19 in southern Brazil


31. Infodemia da Covid-19 em dois municípios do sul do Brasil: um estudo transversal de base populacional


32. Inserção de profissionais de educação física no Sistema Único de Saúde: análise temporal (2007-2021)


33. Is Binge Drinking Associated With Specific Types of Exercise and Free Time Sports? A Pooled Analysis With 718,147 Adults


34. Is the increment of diabetes mellitus in Brazil associated with the consumption of artificially sweetened beverages? A time trend analysis with 757,386 adults from 2006 to 2020


35. Lack of access to medications for hypertension and diabetes mellitus among aged from 2017 to 2019 in Brazil / Falta de acesso a medicamentos para hipertensão e diabetes mellitus entre idosos de 2017 a 2019 no Brasil


36. Nebulised hypertonic saline solution for acute bronchiolitis in infants


37. Pap smears in the extreme South of Brazil: low coverage and exposure of the most vulnerable pregnant women


38. Physical Activity and Chronic Stress in Early Life: Findings From the 2015 Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort


39. Physical activity and long COVID: findings from the Prospective Study About Mental and Physical Health in Adults cohort


40. Physical activity during early life and the risk of all-cause mortality in midlife: findings from a birth cohort study


41. Prática de atividade física e desigualdades em idosos antes e após a COVID-19


42. Prenatal care among adolescent women in the extreme South of Brazil: coverage and associated factors


43. Prepregnancy maternal BMI and trajectories of BMI-for-age in children up to four years of age: findings from the 2015 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort


44. Protagonismo estatal no atendimento psicológico online durante a pandemia de covid-19


45. Quais os conteúdos veiculados no instagram por academias de ginástica da cidade de Pelotas-RS?


46. Remote work and back pain during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults and older population in South Brazil


47. Sexual maturation and physical activity in adolescents: association and interaction


48. Short-term impact of COVID-19 pandemic on low back pain: data from the PAMPA Cohort, Brazi


49. Sleep and its association with depressive and anxiety symptoms during the last weeks of pregnancy: A population-based study


50. Socioeconomic inequities in specialized health services use following COVID-19 in individuals from Southern Brazil


51. Suicide risk in high school students: who are the most vulnerable groups?


52. Sweat conductivity diagnostic accuracy for cystic fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis


53. Sweat conductivity for diagnosing cystic fibrosis after positive newborn screening: prospective, diagnostic test accuracy study


54. Systematic review and meta-analysis on population attributable fraction for physical inactivity to dementia


55. Tendência de desigualdades na realização de mamografia nas capitais brasileiras nos últimos dez anos


56. Tendência temporal de atividade física em adolescentes brasileiros: análise da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar de 2009 a 2019


57. The association of aerobic and muscular fitness with cognitive impairment: Findings from a nationally representative survey


58. The association between maternal fears about their infant/toddler during the COVID-19 pandemic and depression and anxiety: a birth cohort study


59. Trends in tuberculosis mortality among children and adolescents in Brazil, 1996-2020: a joinpoint analysis


60. Use of continuous glucose monitoring in insulin-treated older adults with type 2 diabetes


61. Use of Psychiatric Drugs Among Healthcare Workers in Extreme Southern Brazil During the Covid-19 Pandemic


62. Using digital platform for physical activity practice attenuated the trajectory of depressive symptoms during the Covid-19 pandemic: Findings of the PAMPA cohort


63. Vulnerability among rural older adults in southern Brazil: population-based study